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9th Annual Climate Adaptive Design Symposium

American Institute of Architects AIA – Asheville Section – continues its annual Where Building Science Meets Climate Science professional development series designed to build proficiencies related to climate change and architecture.

This year’s theme: Defining Regenerative Design

Each year the program brings together world-renown climate scientists, architects, and engineers to provide insight on how their professions are addressing the changing climate.

Thursday November 2

Public reception and networking session at 5:15-6:00 pm followed at 6-7 pm with a presentation from Jennifer Todd and Philip Donovan, with Little Diversified  Architectural Consulting.
Thursday evening’s public lecture is free, (donations accepted), and all community members are invited to attend.

One AIA HSW Continuing Education credit hour is expected.

Jennifer Todd, AIA, NCARB, CPHC  
Director of Regen CoLab  
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.

Philip M. Donovan, AIA LEED AP BD+C, NCARB, LFA 
Director of Regen CoLab  
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.

Friday November 3

Friday, the conference continues at The Collider with a full day of in-depth presentations aimed at professional architects, designers, planners, construction experts, and regenerative design enthusiasts.

Registration and breakfast from 8:15 am to 8:45 am. A catered lunch is included in the registration fee. The program will wrap with a panel discussion and Q & A session with the speakers. The conference concludes at 4:30 pm.

Six AIA HSW Continuing Education credit hours expected.

Keynote – State of Architecture
Bill Reed, AIA, LEED
Regenesis Group         

State of the Climate
Laura Stevens
Research Associate, National Climate Assessment
North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS)

Regenerative Design from an Engineer’s Perspective
Stephen RobeyPE
Electrical Engineer 

Zachary Schneider, PE, LEED AP BD+C, CXA, LC
Principal / Electrical Engineer 

Climate Risk and Assessments and Regulatory Landscape: A path to resilience
Dr. Montana Eck
Director, Physical Climate Risk and Resiliency 

Rethinking the project approach. The development of Little’s Regen Co-Lab
Jennifer Todd, AIA, NCARB, CPHC 
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.

Philip M. Donovan, AIA LEED AP BD+C, NCARB, LFA 
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.


The program has an on-line option for those who prefer a virtual experience.
Virtual attendees will receive an email with a link to join prior to the event.

For more information, please visit

Thank you to our sponsors:


Register Here

August 12

Khipu Symposium

December 1

PercCollider – El Nino Climate Modeling Tool