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Passion for Connecting Nature and Community

LaKyla Hodges,  Equity and Education Manager at Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy.

LaKyla was born and raised in Durham, NC. She has had a lifelong passion for nature and community. These passions led her to Warren Wilson College where she completed a degree in Environmental Studies with a concentration in education. Since moving to Asheville, she has worked with the WNC Nature Center, MountainTrue, AmeriCorps, Bountiful Cities, and more on issues related to environment, community engagement, and EDI. As the Equity and Education Manager, LaKyla works to connect communities to nature and address the inequalities in green spaces. She is looking forward to speaking about what it is like to work in the environmental field and the challenges that come with being a minority in the outdoors.

August 12

Khipu Symposium