Breathe Easier in a Changing Climate
Breathe Easier in a Changing Climate
The Collider, Asheville, NC - October 2019
Worldwide, one out of every 13 people suffers from asthma, according to the Center for Disease Control. The chronic medical condition accounts for nearly 10 million doctor’s office visits each year, and asthma-related health and work costs exceed $80 billion annually. DailyBreath, a mobile app currently available for iOS users, was created to help those most vulnerable to outdoor conditions avoid their asthma and allergy triggers.
Indigenous Communities in Arctic Hit Hardest by Climate Change
Indigenous Communities in Arctic Hit Hardest by Climate Change
The Collider, Asheville, NC - November 2019
The environmental cost of doing “business as usual” is frequently externalized to indigenous communities. Of these indigenous populations, none are feeling the effects of climate change quite as directly as those in the Arctic. At the moment, multiple Collider members are working to address climate issues facing indigenous Arctic communities.
Informing Climate-Smart Real Estate
Informing Climate-smart Real Estate
The Collider, Asheville, NC - November 2019
While nationally the real estate spotlight is on sea level rise, Western North Carolina residents must instead contend with climate change effects like increased flooding, landslides, and wildfires. Dr. Doug Bruggeman, a member of The Collider in Asheville and a Realtor with National Land Realty, started EcoReal Academy in order to educate real estate agents on threats like these posed by climate change to personal property.
Starting the Conversation
Starting the Conversation
The Collider, Asheville, NC - November 2019
Climate change isn’t always obvious; in fact, it can sometimes be downright difficult to describe, especially when trying to explain its threats to human health. But this difficulty makes it all the more important to understand. The Western North Carolina Health and Climate Working Group is engaging public health leaders in climate change action. What’s more, integrating climate change into the realm of health care has the opportunity to provide a multitude of co-benefits.
Predicting the Future of Food
Predicting the Future of Food
The Collider, Asheville, NC - November 2019
Changes in Earth’s climate due to global warming are altering the ability of arable regions to produce key crops. Monitoring the impacts of climate events on global crop supply is becoming increasingly important, which is why Collider member and Prescient Weather’s CEO Dr. Jan Dutton created CropProphet. CropProphet forecasting provides the most accurate, up-to-date, and multi-perspective weather-based crop yields possible to enable risk management within agricultural trading markets.
Water Connects Us All
Water Connects Us All
The Collider, Asheville, NC - December 2019
Back when the Cherokee named the French Broad the “Long Man” and its tributaries the “Chattering Children,” it was teeming with biodiversity. Today, the French Broad River and many of its tributaries struggle with pollution. RiverLink, an Asheville-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the environmental and economic vitality of the French Broad River and its watershed, has partnered with the City of Asheville to find ways to restore the section of watershed that drains through Asheville’s River Arts District (RAD). Assisted by Collider member Blue Earth, The project team is working to create a restoration plan that not only meets all of the requirements of an EPA watershed plan, but also one that celebrates the uniqueness of the RAD Watershed and its diverse community.